Resume for Kaare Danielsen, Ph.D.
- Ph.D. degree in computer science, University of Copenhagen.
- Bachelor degree in mathematics/statistics, University of Copenhagen.
- Bachelor degree in business administration, organization and strategic planning,
Copenhagen Business School.
Practical Background
- 1996-
-, Denmark.
President of, an internet company that builds sophisticated
web-sites on the internet. The web-sites
include Aktienyt, the first web-site for Danish
stocks, Job-Index, the largest Danish job-page, and
Thor, the first Danish search engine, all developed in Perl.
The web-sites have recieved lots of press coverage, including articles in
the front page of Børsen,
and news spots on national television and radio.
Both Job-Index and Thor are among the 20 most populaer web-sites in Denmark,
according to a survey by Børsen Internet.
- 1993-96
BrightWare Inc., Los Angeles
(formerly a division of Inference Corp.).
Moved to Los Angeles and started working for BrightWare Inc., one of the leading
companies in expert systems, artificial intelligence, and object oriented programming
tools for PC's and UNIX workstations.
Worked on ART*Enterprise,
a completely new product which combines artificial intelligence, object oriented
programming and a graphical user interface builder in one product.
The software is written in C++ and a proprietary LISP-like language called ART.
Responsible for the interface to MicroSoft Windows, and also worked on the database
interfaces to ORACLE and SYBASE.
Project manager for porting ART*Enterprise from Microsoft Windows to
UNIX and Motif using a product called Wind/U, which implements the
Microsoft Windows interface on top of Motif.
- 1993
- YENO, France.
Developed a 4K chess computer for the Motorola 68HC05 chip and sold
it to various companies, including YENO in France.
- 1989-93
AVS/UNIRAS, Denmark.
a company that develops and sells advanced graphics software for analyzing
and visualizing scientific data for UNIX workstations, VAX/VMS computers,
and super computers. The software is written in FORTRAN and C.
Worked as co-manager of the development department, which
among other things meant that I had sole responsibility for the whole
development department when my boss was away. This included participation in
meetings with vice-presidents. The job as co-manager also involved
participation in planning meetings, screening and interviewing job applicants,
taking care of new employees, etc. As a member of the management group I also
participated in a project about implementing Total Quality Management and a
ISO-9001 Quality Assurance system.
Before I was promoted to co-manager I worked as an ordinary member of the
development departement.
I developed the program UNIGRAPH 2000 (recently released
in a new version called Gsharp)
together with six others, and made enhancements to the other main product,
Toolmaster agX.
UNIGRAPH 2000 is a large program for numerical analysis and graph
drawing, which is best described as a kind of "scientific spread sheet".
Toolmaster agX is a graphics subroutine
library designed to be used together with X Window and Motif.
I also worked as deputy chairman of the committee for
collaboration between the management and the employees, and as
employee-elected member of the board of directors.
- 1986-89
- University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Worked on my Ph.D. thesis with a project on a completely new idea, multi-dimensional
spread sheet outlining. Unfortunately I did not patent the idea. Instead somebody else did,
and sold the patent to MicroSoft.
In 1991 Microsoft marketed the idea as one of the most important new features in the
spread sheet Excel 3.0.
Contrary to the U.S., the job as a Ph.D. student in Denmark was a regular job with a
regular salary, and the job was more like that of an assistant professor than like that
of a student. The Ph.D. students belonged to the faculty just as the professors and had
many of the same duties and obligations as the professors. Apart from working on my Ph.D.
thesis I also organized and taught a master level course on data bases and 4th
generation languages, and supervised several computer science students, including
two who wrote their master thesis.
- 1985
Borland International, California.
Wrote the book Turbo GameWorks. The book included a diskette with programs
for playing chess, Bridge and Go-Moku. Borland International no longer sells
Turbo Gameworks, but the chess program is included as an example program together
with Turbo Pascal and Borland C++.
- 1981-85
CXG and SaiTek, Hong Kong.
Founded the company LogiSoft ApS and developed a 4K chess computer,
which was sold in approximately 200.000 units, and a 16K chess computer,
which was sold in approximately 50.000 units.
The 16K chess computer was one of the best 16K chess computers at the time,
and the 4K chess computer is still the strongest 4K chess computer in the world.
My work with chess computers has given me
a lot of experience with development of mass-market software, where the quality
requirements are extreme. For instance, my contracts stated that I had to pay
the cost of making new masks, approximately 5000 dollars, if any bugs were
found in my programs. My contract also stated that I was not entitled to any
pay at all, if my programs were not finished in time for the Christmas sale.
International Awards
- 1981
- 1st prize in the Danish division and 3rd prize in the European
division of Philips Contest for Young Scientists and Inventors with a chess
program for a Z80 home computer. The contest was open to all young scientists
and inventors in Europe.
- 1981
- 3rd place at the European Micro Computer Chess Championships and
5th place at the World Micro Computer Chess Championships.
- 1981
- 1st prize in the Danish division of IFIP's Youth Programming
Tournament with a program for mathematical function analysis. The contest
was open to all high school students in Europe.
- 1980
- 1st prize in a Scandinavian mathematics contest arranged by the
Norwegian council for mathematics. The contest was open to all Scandinavian
high school students.
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